速報APP / 工具 / Super Language Setting & Set Locale for

Super Language Setting & Set Locale for





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Hong kong Kowloon City No. 588 Timodon Road, Ho Man

Super Language Setting & Set Locale for Android(圖1)-速報App

SuperLangs is a useful tool used to change locale language for Android devices.

Switch your android phone or tablet's language to your own language.

SuperLangs support any locale language in the world, so you can easy to set your android device's language to any locale language.

Sometimes you can't find the language you want from your android devices.

Or you just want to switch locale language for Android App testing.

Key Features:

- Support any language in the world

- Add any locale language

Super Language Setting & Set Locale for Android(圖2)-速報App

- Search locale language

- Star the language you like to favorite list

- Manage locale language list

- Sort locale language

- Pin SuperLangs's display language

- Copy locale language

- Help guide

- User guide

Super Language Setting & Set Locale for Android(圖3)-速報App

Tag: set language, more language setting, more locale setting, set locale, change language, change locale, switch language , switch locale